Article I - Name
The name of this organization shall be "The Broadmoor Waltz Club."

Article II - Purpose
The Broadmoor Waltz Club exists as a non-profit, historical club for the purpose of perpetuating the elegance of the patterned waltz. This is accomplished through social activity centered around dancing and teaching pattern waltz.

Article III - Broad of Directors
A Board of Directors, known as the Waltz Committee, consisting of a minimum of four couples, each willing to serve, will be elected by the members at large at the last regular meeting dance of the season. Each will serve a two (2) year term and may not be re-elected until a period of one (1) year will have elapsed.

Approximately 50% of the couples shall be elected to the board at the last dance in the odd numbered years and 50% in the even numbered years.

At their first meeting, the board will elect a chairman, vice-chairman, treasurer and secretary. The number of board members may be increased or decreased by a vote of the members on any regular waltz night. To hold the vote, forty (40) percent of the paid membership must be present to constitute a quorum. The vote shall pass by a simple two-thirds majority of those present.

Article IV - Amendments
This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of the club by a two-thirds vote. Only paid membership shall constitute a quorum. Voting by proxy is not allowed.

Article V - Management
The Board of directors shall have the power, from time to time, to make or change such rules or bylaws as they deem proper for the management of the affairs of the club for the qualifications and conduct of its members.

Article VI - Membership
Paid membership in The Broadmoor Waltz Club shall be limited to a number of couples to be determined by the board, at which club membership will be closed. (At their discretion, the board may maintain a waiting list.) Not more than two (2) gratuitous memberships may be awarded and only to couples rendering some special service to the organization. All memberships are non-transferable.

Article VII - Dissolution
Should, for any reason, The Broadmoor Waltz Club dissolve, or fail to function for one (1) full year, any funds remaining in the Treasury shall be contributed to the United Fund of Colorado Springs (or its successor) by the last President and Treasurer in office.


The purpose of these bylaws is to provide guidelines for the day-to-day operation of The Broadmoor Waltz Club and not to replace nor negate The Broadmoor Waltz Club Constitution. These bylaws may be changed as is deemed necessary at a meeting of the Board of Directors after written notification has been sent to each of the members of the Board. Attendance of two thirds of the board member couples shall be necessary to consider such changes. One member of a board member couple in attendance will be considered as a couple with proxy voting privilege. A copy of the bylaws will be provided to all members.

Waltz Club events are traditional “black tie.” Gentlemen wear tuxedos. A summer-weight white dinner jacket may be substituted for the first and last dances of the season. Ladies wear full-length ball gowns. Members are required to preserve the elegance of club events by observing the dress code. (Read in-depth dress code guidance here.)

There is no fee charged to prospective members if they wish to attend a ball, but they are restricted to one free ball.

Members are also welcome (and encouraged) to bring guests. The same guest may attend and dance in one event.  In addition, any guests paying for and joining us at our Christmas Dinner are invited to the Christmas Ball dance, which follows, regardless of other dances attended. Non-dancing guests of members may attend at no charge. Guests who will be dancing will be charged 30% of the annual dues for each ball attended. Sponsors will be responsible to see that dancing guests adhere to the dress code as noted in Section 2, and that the dance charge is paid.

Waltz Club members may bring dependent children ages 12 to 18 as “youth” guests.  Youth guests are expected to adhere to the same guidelines of dress and decorum as adult members and to have learned the patterned waltzes.

Proposed members are subject to the approval of the Board of Directors and availability of membership. Membership total is limited due to space. The membership limit shall be established at the beginning of each season.

Any member wishing to appear before the Board of Directors may do so by contacting any of the elected officers or board members. A meeting will be scheduled that is convenient in time and place for all concerned.

Comments or complaints dealing with the operation and general conduct of the Waltz Club will be addressed by the full Board of Directors. All complaints, suggestions and inquiries must be made in writing and signed by the member or members making them.

Membership dues for the new season will be decided by the Waltz Club Board of Directors by a majority vote. Operating costs will be the deciding factor in the cost of membership. A quorum will constitute a meeting. All dues are payable by October 1 at the beginning of the season.

Full annual dues will be charged for anyone joining at any time before the Christmas Ball. Those joining after the Christmas Ball will be assessed 60% of the annual dues.

Dancing is restricted to couples: a gentleman and a lady.
All members will conduct themselves in a decorous manner at all functions. Behavior unbecoming to the ladies and gentlemen of The Broadmoor Waltz Club will be reviewed by the Board of Directors. Action taken will depend on the gravity of the offense. Serious offenses such as inebriation, loud, foul language and physical violence are offenses that could call for expulsion from the Waltz Club. Lesser offenses could receive reprimands. All such cases shall be reviewed by the Board of Directors. Those expelled will receive no refunds.

All arrangements with The Broadmoor Hotel will be made by a member of the Waltz Club Board of Directors with Board approval or a person so delegated by the officers of the Board to represent them. No member or other person shall have the right or authority to represent themselves as having such authority to act on behalf of the Waltz Club, to complain, negotiate or seek changes that concern the Waltz Club and their dealings with and relationship with The Broadmoor Hotel.

The Board of Directors shall manage the affairs of The Broadmoor Waltz Club.

LIABILITY OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS:  Neither the directors, officers nor any persons acting on their behalf (other than independent contractors) shall be liable for any damages to any person or entity by reason of any action, failure to act or any other circumstances taken as, or on behalf of, an officer or director of The Broadmoor Waltz Club. The prior sentence shall not apply where such acts are done in bad faith and with malice. The Broadmoor Waltz Club shall indemnify and hold harmless its officers, directors and employees, if any, while serving The Broadmoor Waltz Club in those capacities, unless such acts are done in bad faith and with malice.

UNEXPIRED TERMS:  In the event of the death, resignation or removal of a director, their successor shall be selected by the remainder of the Board of Directors and shall serve for the remainder of the term of their predecessor, in which case Article III titled “The Board” in the Constitution, the section stipulating that they cannot be reelected for a period of one (1) year, shall not apply.

COMPENSATION:  No director shall receive compensation for any services rendered. However, services contracted for by the Board of Directors may be compensated

CURRENT MEMBERSHIP:  All directors are expected to be members in good standing of the Waltz Club. If any director fails to renew their membership by October 1, their position on the board shall be vacated. The directors shall select a successor to serve the remaining term of the vacated position. If the position is held by the new director for one (1) or fewer years, Article III of the Constitution shall not apply.

CHAIRMAN:  The chairman shall have general supervision over all affairs of the Club, and shall preside at all meetings of the Board or Club. The chairman shall call Board meetings as needed to conduct the affairs of the Club and handle business matters. The Chairman shall call a Board meeting immediately after the selection of the new Board members at the end of each season, including both new and outgoing Board members. At this meeting, the officers for the new season shall be selected from the new Board and take office. Should the Chairman not call a meeting deemed necessary by the remaining Board members, a meeting may be called by any two couples by mailing a notice to all Board members at least five days in advance of the proposed meeting date. The chairman shall be an ex-officio member of standing and special committees and shall cast a deciding vote in case of a tie in any committee vote, or vote of the general membership. The chairman may appoint a committee, not later than the next-to-last dance of the season to nominate new Board member couples. Nominations may also be made from the floor if the couples nominated have consented to serve. The chairman shall sign all contracts authorized by the Board and perform any special duties the Board or membership may designate. The chairman shall also contract for suitable music and arrange with The Broadmoor Hotel and establish dates for dances during the coming season.

VICE CHAIRMAN:  The vice chairman, in the absence of the chairman or in case of death, resignation or inability to act, shall perform all of the chairman’s duties. In the absence of the chairman and vice chairman, a chairman pro-tem may be selected by the Board with all duties and power of the chairmen. The vice chairman shall also be in charge of the arrangements for the Christmas Dinner Dance.

SECRETARY:  The secretary shall keep the minutes and records of all meetings of the Club and Board. They shall keep a complete list of all members and their addresses and notify the members of their election to the membership. They shall issue all notices and perform all duties as designated by the Board. In the absence of the secretary, an assistant secretary may be appointed by the chairman.

TREASURER:  The treasurer shall collect all membership fees and other monies, hold all funds for the club, depositing same as directed by the Board. All checks shall be signed by the chairman or the treasurer. A financial report shall be prepared by the chairman and the treasurer, and be presented to the Board for approval at the end of each dance season. Records shall be maintained subject to inspection at any time by an audit committee appointed by the Board or the chairman.

REMAINING BOARD MEMBERS:  The remaining Board members shall be in charge of standing committees. Standing committees may be: Membership, Publicity, Historian. Other committees and duties may be designated as needed. The entire Board at all times shall oversee the general conduct of the membership, the condition of the dance floor, and assist wherever needed in the operation of The Broadmoor Waltz Club.


Website Disclaimer
The Broadmoor Waltz Club website and any domain names that point to sites herein are provided solely as a service to Club members. The inclusion of links from these sites does not imply endorsement by The Broadmoor Waltz Club, which makes no effort to independently verify and does not exert editorial control over information on pages outside of this website. We do not endorse any of the products, vendors or consultants referenced in this website. Any mention of vendors, products or services is for informational purposes only.

Website Copyright
All content on The Broadmoor Waltz Club website and any domain names that point to sites herein are © Copyright by The Broadmoor Waltz Club, with all rights reserved. All content included on this site, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, digital downloads, data compilations and software, is the property of The Broadmoor Waltz Club and is protected by United States and international copyright laws.

Website Visitor Privacy
Via its web hosting company, The Broadmoor Waltz Club automatically collects certain data about all visitors to this website and any domain names that point to sites herein. That data may include, but is not limited to, internet protocol (IP) addresses, global location information, browser and device identification, dates and time spent on the site, pages viewed, etc. The information collected is never used for marketing, advertising or "online targeting" purposes; instead it is used only to improve the content of our web services and to help us understand how people are using our services so that we may continually improve the site's usefulness to the Club.

Address Confidentiality
The Broadmoor Waltz Club website does not provide physical or email address information to anyone other than Club members, and then only for purposes necessary for the normal management of the Club. Email addresses on distribution lists do not appear on "group" emails for others to see.

Event Photos
The Broadmoor Waltz Club reserves the right to publish photos taken at our events without written consent of those people appearing in the photos. But we commit to never "tagging" or publicly identifying individuals online without their express permission.

Advertisers and Sponsors
The Broadmoor Waltz Club does not accept advertising or sponsorship from outside entities, and we do not endorse any vendors, products or services mentioned on this website.

External Links
The Broadmoor Waltz Club is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of websites linked from this site.

The Broadmoor Waltz Club
Club Officers

Len and Sue Bryant
Ron and Shirley Ruckdesschel
Chris and Stacy Rea
Beth and Bruce Parker
Chris and Susanne Long
Jeff and Shirley Harvey

Club Information
  • FAQs

  • The material and information on this BROADMOOR WALTZ CLUB website is Copyright © 1937 - .
  • All rights are reserved.